The definition of hay fever are incorrectly named. Because straw can not be the reason of this incident. Disease; runny / itchy nose and eyes, sneezing, itchy throat and a large amount of discharge from the nose and throat. Allergy to airborne particles causes this. Summer flu, on the other hand, is different from known flu (Virus infections), unlike the flu, it is an allergy to airborne particles such as hay fever. Hay fever and summer flu are common names for the condition known medically as allergic rhinitis. (Rinitis is an inflammation of the nose.) A large number of people suffer from allergic rhinitis every year. For some, it is very light, while for others it is very heavy, hindering their work and impairing their quality of life.
If a plant or animal particle enters the body (from the membrane covering the eye, nose or throat), an immune system response develops to prevent this invasion. Under normal circumstances this is a useful, natural protection. However, some people overreact to certain substances. These substances are called allergens, and people are called allergens. This event tends to be viewed as familial.
Allergens stimulate the body to make antibodies. These then combine with allergens and cause the body to secrete some chemical substances that cause undesirable effects in this way. Histamine is the best known chemical among these. This substance causes swelling of the nasal membranes, itching, irritation and excessive mucus production.
Animal and plant proteins, which are small and light enough to be carried in the air, accumulate on the membranes in our eyes, nose and throat. Pollen, fungal spores, animal hair and house dust are the most common of these particles.
In the early spring, hay fever is caused by pollen or trees that are frequently found in the environment. In late spring, pollen originates from meadows. Colorful ornamental plants rarely cause allergies. Because their pollen is too heavy to be airborne. The pollen of these plants is carried from one place to another by insects. (bees, butterflies)
Some plants start to pollinate at the end of August. This continues throughout September. Sometimes it gives pollen until October or until the first cold.
Fungi are molds that mold bread and cause spoilage of fruits. They are also found in dry leaves, meadows, straw, seeds, other plants and soil. Since they are resistant to cold, the allergy problem is long and their spores are in the air all year, except for the periods when the snow covers the ground.
Indoors, fungi live on houseplants and their potting soil. They are found in damp places such as basements and laundry rooms, as well as in cheese and fermented beverages.
Allergens are present all year round, including animal residues (cats, dogs, horses, wool), cosmetics, fungi, food and house dust. House dust is a complex structure made up of cellulose spilled from furniture, cork, pet debris and insect fragments. Allergy increases under the influence of house dust with the opening of hot air systems in winter.
Allergic people have an increased susceptibility to colds, sinus infections and ear infections. This disease may bother them more than people without allergies. Even more severe asthma may develop in these people.
Ideally, you can choose to live far from where your allergy occurs. For example, you can continue to live in a place where you can only breathe sea air or in a climate so dry that nothing can live. Unfortunately, this ideal practice is rarely possible. But the self-help suggestions listed below are worth a try.
1. Wear a pollen mask when cutting grass or cleaning the house. (available from most pharmacies)
2.Change the filters in the heating and ventilation systems monthly or start using an air cleaner.
3. Keep doors and windows closed during peak pollen periods.
4. Stay away from plants and animals in the house.
5. Replace down pillows, wool blankets and wool covers with cotton or synthetic ones.
6. Use enough antihistamines and decongestants when necessary.
7. Sleep with the head of your bed raised. For this, you can put a brick under the feet at the head of your bed.
8. Follow the general health rules. Exercise every day. Quit smoking and stay away from other air pollutants. Eat a balanced diet and reduce carbohydrates. Supplement your diet with vitamins, especially vitamin C. 10. Follow your doctor’s advice. Use a good moisturizer during the winter months. Because dry indoor air causes many allergic people to get worse. But also watch out for the chance of fungal growth in the humidifier. WHAT CAN YOUR DOCTOR DO FOR YOU? Your otolaryngologist will perform a complete ear, nose, throat, head and neck examination. As a result of a careful evaluation, your doctor will decide whether any infection or structural disorder is causing your complaints and the appropriate treatment for them.
Many drugs are used in the treatment of allergy and your doctor will choose the most suitable one for you. Among them are antihistamines, decongestants, drugs with cromolyn and cortisone. Medical treatment of a suspected allergy also includes environmental control counseling. As a result, after a detailed history and a good examination, your doctor may recommend tests to determine which substance you are allergic to.
The only treatment for respiratory allergens is injections that will generate antibodies specifically against that allergen. Before that, the true cause of your sensitivity must be found. Allergy research is in the form of either a blood test or a skin test. Modern tests reveal not only which substance you are allergic to, but also the level of this allergy. This allows us to respond to the treatment as soon as possible, starting with the highest dose that can be started if an injection is required.